Dec 14, 2007

Royal College of Art Vehicle Design Show 2007

Eighteen students displayed the fruits of two years' labours at the RCA Vehicle Design Show 2007; in addition to cars, work this year included designs for helicopters, boats and concepts for animations.
The Vehicle Design course at the RCA pushes hard the issues surrounding transport in the future. Those studying the course are expected to consider "traffic jams, congestion-charging, parking restrictions, safety and environmental concerns" for both private and public transport. Students are also required "to develop an awareness of the range of issues that affect mobility including accessibility, aerodynamics, environmental impact, ergonomics, legislation, materials, production, safety and technology, as well as aesthetic principles".

Sep 11, 2007

Sistem Bahan Bakar

Seperti yang kita ketahui suatu mesin sudah pasti membutuhkan bahan bakar untuk bisa berjalan. Banyak sekali jenis bahan bakar yang dapat menjalankan suatu mesin, seperti solar, bensin, minyak tanah, gas elpiji dan lain sebagainya. Dalam hal ini sudah tentu sebagian besar bahan bakar yang digunakan mesin kendaraan adalah bensin dan solar. Diantara kedua jenis bahan bakar ini sudah tentu juga bensin menduduki peringkat pertama.
Bensin sebenarnya dalam keadaan cair tidak mudah terbakar, bensin akan mudah terbakar bila bensin dalam bentuk uap dan tercampur dengan udara secara ideal.
Sistim bahan bakar ini mencakup dari tempat penampungan atau tangki bensin yang kemudian dipompakan ke suatu alat pengkabutan dan pencampuran dengan udara atau yang biasa bengkel/kita sebut sebagai karburator untuk mesin yang konvensional. Hasil pengkabutan dan pencampuran ini akan dialirkan kedalam mesin, tepatnya ruang bakar selanjutnya dibakar oleh sistem pengapian sehingga menghasilkan suatu ledakan dalam mesin, ledakan tersebut kemudian akan mendorong torak yang diteruskan ke poros engkol sehingga menghasilkan suatu gerakan.
Pencampur konvensional (karburator) akhir-akhir ini mulai ditinggalkan karena memiliki banyak kekurangan sebagai penggantinya karburator ini mulai tergeser oleh sistim injeksi. Sistim injeksi ini bensin langsung di suntik ( Injeck) kan ke dalam ruang bakar yang sudah tentu hasil injeck ini sudah terkarburasi (uap). Proses pencampuran bensin dan udara dengan sistim injeksi ini dilakukan dalam ruang bakar atau torak untuk injeksi langsung (direct injection), sedangkan untuk pencampuran di luar ruang bakar/torak disebut dengan injeksi tidak langsung (indirect injection).

May 27, 2007

Preparation of First Journey

Preparation of Vehicle which will pass through over a real far for condition of my car this of course a lot of must be done. Road route which would in go through Palembang-Bandung-Cirebon and back again to Palembang, estimated will pass through over 2000KM is more for the route.
First thing is verify condition of engines car, I do General engines tune up at the car machine, Investigates system sterring and wheel and than changes all Iubrication medias.
All the vehicle preparations I do my self during 3 month, finally vehicle ready for doing its first journey.
After all ready, then I think, how my children sit to go through this a real far journey! They will not be strong sat for hours with position of side.
Is back seat which the position side is released? if it is released where I to keep goods which will be brought later?
After thinking stripper finally there are very bright idea, above chair behind paneled, as pallet then is given thin mattress pallet so that soft.
finally on the way my children can sleep comfortably, as does a car with caravan.

May 16, 2007

New member in our family

In the year 2005 we choose to buy a car.This vehicle functions to do journey of return to native land and take the air with beloved family.
Me, wife and two my daughters reside in town Palembang right now, South of Sumatra, so with by having a car, we can go to Bandung west of java, with cheap cost.
Initially we choose Suzuki Jimny because equiped with facility 4wd, and I like a jeep model car. But in this city,Palembang, looks for 2nd car and have been old with condition which still be good simply very hard.
After looking for everywhere, with limited fund, finally in May 2005 we get Suzuki Katana year 1989, with condition that is fair to middling enough.
The car having colour white, body seen external good, good enough machine car to which have been enough this ages. And more important of its the initial plate it's "D", It's
Bandung car. So I am not must did mutation to change area, enough changing name of ownership.
After car at house, we are a family is very hapy, especially my small daughter, name is Dian.
Seen in photo how liking it her, and which behind her sister, Andhita. They is fiddling around with new family of we, Suzuki Katana.
Welcomes Katana, this is your new family.
And thank to You ya Allah, you has given this part to us.

First Post In My Vehicle Journey Blog

This blog I make for note of vehicle journey which I have is the existing
as well as save all articles in around vehicle.
so that I and possible of others can read it is anywhere and whenever